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Portfolios are difficult endeavours. If you meet any designer, chances are they will mention their portfolio at some point. Just look at Behance or Dribbble; these communities organize Portfolio Reviews or Meetups regularly to mingle with their own kind, so their portfolio is always up to date.

投资组合是艰苦的努力。 如果您遇到任何设计师,他们很可能会在某个时候提及他们的产品组合。 看一下Behance或Dribbble; 这些社区会定期组织“投资组合评论”或“聚会”,以与自己的类型相融合,因此他们的投资组合始终是最新的。

Obsessions aside, having a portfolio is a need in today’s digital age. Where a physical portfolio is seen very rarely these days, you will find it hard to land a job or gig without a portfolio or an established online presence, especially as a creative.

除了痴迷之外,在当今的数字时代,拥有投资组合是必要的。 这些天很少看到实物投资组合,如果没有投资组合或没有成熟的在线业务,尤其是作为创意,您将很难找到工作或演出。

While it’s very helpful to be present on social networks for designers as Behance or Dribbble, you might want to settle with an independently hosted portfolio which you have control over. As an open source CMS, WordPress is perfect for this task.

虽然以Behance或Dribbble的身份出现在设计师的社交网络上非常有帮助,但您可能想选择一个可以控制的独立托管的投资组合。 作为一个开源CMS,WordPress非常适合此任务。

I won’t be getting into the details how to install a WordPress installation, instead I’m going to suggest some of the best WordPress portfolio themes I witnessed this year. Some of them are accompanied with a real use case so you will be able to see how this might look outside of the idealistic preview of the theme providers.

我不会详细介绍如何安装WordPress安装,而是向我推荐一些我今年目睹的最佳WordPress产品组合主题。 其中一些附带了真实的用例,因此您可以在主题提供者的理想预览之外看到它的外观。

深泽 (Fukasawa)

If you’re into Pinterest, Fukasawa might catch your interest (!). It sports a beautifully minimal layout that displays your posts, images and videos in a Pinterest-style grid.

如果您喜欢Pinterest,深泽可能会引起您的兴趣(!)。 它采用精美的最小布局,以Pinterest样式的网格显示您的帖子,图像和视频。

Although not specifically a design portfolio theme, Fukasawa offers a great balanced structure for showcasing and blogging purposes with a very smooth transition, making it feel like it serves a single purpose, rather than two; hence fitting the needs of most designers.

尽管不是专门针对设计作品集主题,但深泽提供了一个很好的平衡结构,用于展示和撰写博客,并且过渡非常顺畅,让人感觉它只是一个目的,而不是两个目的。 因此符合大多数设计师的需求。


Fukasawa has also great Jetpack support ( if you are not yet familiar with the Jetpack plugin).

Fukasawa还具有对Jetpack的出色支持(如果您还不熟悉Jetpack插件, )。

The theme includes support for the image, video and gallery formats, and presents galleries in a neat slideshow above the posts, turning them into a pleasant reading experience.


Further, Jetpack Infinite Scroll allows you to load new posts without reloading the page. You can also display your images in a beautiful grid with Jetpack Tiles Galleries, as Fukasawa has built-in support for both.

此外,Jetpack Infinite Scroll允许您加载新帖子而无需重新加载页面。 您也可以使用Jetpack Tiles Galleries在漂亮的网格中显示图像,因为Fukasawa内置了对这两种图像的支持。

The theme allows you to customize colors, logo and the sidebar without touching any code (they must know how afraid designers might be of code) which is a plus for all those who want to have a portfolio up and running pretty quickly.


You haven’t heard the best part yet though: Fukasawa is completely free. This is relatively rare for a responsive and retina ready theme. If you are unsure about your budget, definitely give Fukusawa a try.

不过,您还没有听说过最好的部分:深泽是完全免费的。 对于响应Swift且适合视网膜的主题,这种情况相对较少。 如果您不确定自己的预算,绝对可以尝试一下Fukusawa。

a designer based in Tirana, Albania.

设在阿尔巴尼亚地拉那的设计师 。

无限 (Infinity)

Infinity boasts a classic, yet minimalist look one would encounter often in Portfolios of various Motion Designers. It’s clean and simple looking, yet has a few interesting humanistic touches to it, such as the texture background or the Journal (Blog) Layout.

Infinity拥有经典而极简的外观,经常出现在各种Motion设计师的作品集中。 它外观简洁,简洁,但具有一些有趣的人文色彩,例如纹理背景或Journal(博客)布局。

The portfolio allows you to add a featured image and any number of other images to a single work, allowing you to showcase any project in a broad manner (as often it’s hard to showcase a design project with a single image).



Infinity definitely (is that a pun?) has a ton of features included, such as Responsiveness, Shortcodes, Localization Support, Google Web Fonts integration, Slideshows and more.

Infinity绝对(是一个双关语?)具有很多功能,例如响应能力,简码,本地化支持,Google Web字体集成,幻灯片等等。

I however am not a big fan of the blog layout, you might find it not suitable out of the box, especially if you tend to focus on writing, or like to document your design journeys.


As a Premium theme, Infinity comes with a price tag of $59.


大正 (Daisho)

Daisho is probably one of the most interesting portfolio themes out there. It’s offers various features, ranging from a metro-style work gallery, to an interesting blog layout or service section. I must admit though, the layout is a tad confusing as it doesn’t obey classic UX rules; which might be a good or a bad thing, depending on what you want to achieve. For example, there is a back button in the navigation bar once you find yourself inside the page. I can’t remember the last time I saw a back button on an actual website (do you actually need it? I mean, we are on the interwebz folks!). But if you are into these kind of surprises, this might be your best choice.

Daisho可能是其中最有趣的投资组合主题之一。 它提供了各种功能,从都市风格的工作画廊到有趣的博客布局或服务部分。 我必须承认,布局有点混乱,因为它不遵循经典的UX规则。 根据您想要实现的目标,这可能是好事还是坏事。 例如,一旦您发现自己在页面内,导航栏中就会有一个后退按钮。 我不记得上次在实际网站上看到后退按钮了(您真的需要吗?我的意思是,我们在interwebz上!)。 但是,如果您遇到此类意外,这可能是您的最佳选择。


In any case, the experience Daisho offers is actually quite amazing. It is retina ready and responsive with smooth and crisp animations you rarely see done so well. Considering this, if you are into animations or motion graphics, this is definitely the theme to go with. It nicely compliments that kind of work while still offering you lot of room to play around with. Having said that, Daisho can be also an overkill if you are unsure about whether you really need to use it to its full extent, or would rather want to settle with a simpler alternative.

无论如何,大正提供的体验实际上是非常惊人的。 它已经为视网膜做好了准备,并具有平滑和清晰的动画,您很少能看到如此出色的响应。 考虑到这一点,如果您喜欢动画或运动图形,这绝对是一个主题。 很好地补充了这种工作,同时仍然为您提供了很大的玩耍空间。 话虽如此,如果您不确定您是否真的需要完全使用它,或者更愿意使用一个更简单的替代方法,Daisho也可能是一个过大的杀伤力。

Daisho comes with a quite reasonable price tag of $53.


艳丽的 (Showy)

Phew! These were quite fancy themes and they might be hard to digest if your needs are much more humble. Showy shows a good mix here.

! 这些主题很漂亮,如果您的需求低得多,可能很难消化。 Showy在这里显示出很好的组合。

The theme boasts refreshing, yet not overdone animations and a portfolio layout of One, Two or Three columns. Each project can hold several images or other embeds, like videos.

该主题拥有令人耳目一新但又不过分的动画,以及一,两或三列的作品集布局。 每个项目可以保存多个图像或其他嵌入内容,例如视频。

They’re nicely accompanied by a description on a sidebar where all the needed information can be added. The blog offers also a solid way to display your latest musings in a straightforward manner.

它们很好地伴随着侧边栏上的描述,可以在其中添加所有需要的信息。 该博客还提供了一种可靠的方式,可以直接显示您的最新动态。


Showy manages to show off somewhere else though (pun intended) – the shortcodes. I was amazed after I saw what the theme offers in terms of shortcodes. It has so many on offer, I’m actually unsure how one could possibly use all of them in a portfolio focused website.

Showy设法在其他地方炫耀(双关语意)–短代码。 当我看到主题提供的短代码后,我感到非常惊讶。 它提供了很多东西,我实际上不确定如何在一个以投资组合为中心的网站中使用它们。

In case you are willing to pay and want to have a bit more features to play with than Fukasawa, yet not drown yourself in the ocean of WordPress features, you should definitely consider Showy. The theme will set you back $39, which is not too much compared to other themes.

如果您愿意付费并且想要拥有比Fukasawa更多的功能,但又不想沉迷于WordPress功能的海洋中,则绝对应该考虑Showy。 这个主题将花费您39美元,与其他主题相比并不过分。

, who is using the Showy theme for his portfolio.


工作室 (Studiofolio)

Finally a more WordPress-y looking theme. Studiofolio is a multipurpose portfolio and blog theme which allows you to show off your work in a very flexible way, offering the option to include videos and other embeds too.

最后是一个更具WordPress主题的主题。 Studiofolio是一个多用途的投资组合和博客主题,可让您以非常灵活的方式展示您的作品,并提供包括视频和其他嵌入内容的选项。

Something great I’ve noticed in Studiofolio is the feature to specify the exact width of the site if you do not want to use the full screen mode. The flexible layout also allows for different sizes and formats for your works and projects, emphasizing exactly those projects which you want to focus on. It even allows you to change the space between blocks; so you can basically have a metro-style arrangement, or more of a grid approach, with space between the blocks.

我在Studiofolio中注意到的一个很棒的功能是,如果您不想使用全屏模式,则可以指定站点的确切宽度。 灵活的布局还允许您的作品和项目使用不同的大小和格式,从而恰好强调了您要关注的那些项目。 它甚至允许您更改块之间的空间。 因此,您基本上可以采用Metro风格的布局,也可以采用更多网格方法,并在块之间留有空间。


The theme is responsive, retina ready and offers three different menu locations, depending on your likings. The latter can change the complete feel of your site, so it’s a great way to customize it. Studiofolio also includes Lightbox and the Slider Revolution plugin, which is alone a good reason to buy the full theme. There is also ton of other stuff worth looking into, like custom backgrounds for different pages, various blog layouts, gallery collections and much more. Studiofolio comes with a price of $48, which is reasonable.

该主题具有响应能力,可支持视网膜,并根据您的喜好提供三个不同的菜单位置。 后者可以改变您网站的整体感觉,因此这是自定义网站的好方法。 Studiofolio还包括Lightbox和Slider Revolution插件,这是购买完整主题的一个很好的理由。 还有很多其他值得研究的东西,例如不同页面的自定义背景,各种博客布局,画廊收藏等等。 Studiofolio的价格为48美元,这是合理的。

Motion and Graphic Designer Kleidi Eski is using Studiofolio already.

运动和图形设计师Kleidi Eski已经在使用Studiofolio。

结论 (Conclusion)

There are far too many themes to make an unbiased selection, but these particular themes have impressed me and I believe you won’t be disappointed with any of them.


If you already have a portfolio hosted on a WordPress installation, you might look into these themes if you want to give it a refresh. If you don’t have a portfolio yet… what are you waiting for?

如果您已经在WordPress安装中托管了作品集,则可以刷新一下这些主题。 如果您还没有投资组合,还等什么呢?




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